Friday 30 November 2007


Now apparently even though I don't live with Bruce and I'm a LEGAL adult by law, he can still ground me.

Yep, that's right.

I didn't believe it either.

Apparently for my childish behvaiour I'm not just banned from watching TV, but also from using the phone and breathing.

Oh and thats not it, you see in the Wayne Household as a treat to Alfred all of us get together for the Christmas season and do the work he'd usually do so he can relax however I've been stapled with all the work (except for cooking, that's Tim's).

Now I've been doing the cleaning however, much to my annoyance Jason takes this time to annoy me, intentionally, as if he wasn't annoying enough without trying.

And Bruce why is he still here? It's like he's living with us!!!

So I decided that it's not like I couldn't get in to anymore trouble, so I wrote "BIG MEAN STRAWBERRY LOLIPOP" in to everything he owns (that's here in the Manor anyways). Since that's what he dresses up as, a Big Mean Strawberry Lollipop.

Then I came across his leather jacket.

Now, every ounce of common sense was telling me not to.

Not to try and write BIG MEAN STRAWBERRY LOLIPOP cause it wouldn't show on a leather jacket. So I just cut it out with a pair of siccors.

Speaking of Jason, that reminds me, I have to see Vella, I suggested we meet up half way between Gotham and West city, cause' since I'm grounded I don't think I'm allowed near the Batmobile (and it has no gas!).

So I'm here sitting on a rooftop and

UHIGWP;N JbyiOBv jhds,#l d'po#fabhljvrfkjte743jmbvsljbh vwhdsj ;'[sgrtesjmkytgc...



? said...

Um Richard? What the Hell?

TX said...

did he revert to his younger self?

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Hey, he turned into a kid!