Tuesday 16 October 2007







“Really, Richard. I don’t think I should have to search for any recent breakouts from Arkham"

“Yes you do! Think about it, honey. Somewhere out there there’s somebody crushing the dreams of innocent people everywhere!”

“Richard, they were cookies, they’re replaceable. How about I give you some change and you can go down town and get some more cookies? Huh?”

“No! Cause they’re not Alfred’s cookies? Why did mine hafta disappear” Barbra gave a disapproving sigh in response to my rant when the bat-computer suddenly started beeping and flashing.

“Looks like cookies will have to wait, seems that villain-mercenary meeting Batman has been tracking for the last couple of months has finally come together, in downtown Queens, NY” Barbra typed furiously, “you have about 1 hour to get there.”I stared at the computer screen “so who do you think is gonna be there?” I ask.

“Out of the mercs? Deadshot, Taskmaster, Merlyn…Deathstroke…”
I fasten my gloves on “that’s all I need to know.”

“You know you can’t go this alone? Right? Maybe you should take Tim with you, it might help for him to get his mind of Bart” I’m not entirely sure why Bab’s dropped her voice to a whisper considering Tim was standing right behind her. “Come on Tim lets go! We’ll get there quicker if we take the bat-plane and only you know how to fly it” I shout. Tim nodded faintly and made his way quietly and calmly towards the plane, “can I invite somebody? I think they’d be a lot of help” he mumbled at the control panel as the plane began to warm up.

“Sure Tim, but first, set the co-ordinates for West City. This is going to be a family outing!” I say with a grin which was greeted with silence.

This was going to be a family outing.

A happy one?

Well that’s debatable.


Anonymous said...

Its not a good thing when someone steals cookies

Justice said...

I am never dating Inertia again he isnt like Bart so if you clone anything it wont be bart

Vella said...

those were good cookies