Monday 25 June 2007

Roses are red

Well me and Lin are over, turns out that me not turning up for a dinner is bad.

Well it is.

But if you have a choice between saving a city from dying from a highly corrosive gas that burns you from the inside out and dining in a French restaurant in that very city, well you'd go with saving the city. Because you can't eat whilst you're corroding (I assume).

But I tried to get somebody to cover for me, Batwoman, Batman, Oracle, Roy, X-23, even Alfred, but everyone was busy.

Ah well, at least I wasn't corroded from the inside out that would've eventually resulted in a painful death.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm way too much woman for you to chose thew world over me.

I might see you round sometime.

Love you all


Professor Xavier said...

That's the problem with women, they just think the whole world revolves around them. And they really hold a grudge, too.