Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Good Teenagers, Take Your Colthes Off

"Well, what I have to say Vella is pretty simple but it will take time because it's pretty complicated" I explain, she frowns "um, Nightwing you're kinda contradicting yourself" Vella points out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Its just that I'm worried somebody is gonna overhear this conversation...but that doesn't matter. What matter is that you develop a good understanding of sex" now I have to say that everything I said after 'you' made me sound like I was trying to sell cookies or something.

"You know I'm not a virgin and I know what sex is so you don-" I cut the green-haired teen off before she can finish her sentence off.

"No, that's not it. You see most things that teenagers get are from other not-so experienced teenagers. I mean if you were going to buy a TV would you get it from a store that specialises in TVs or the guy who also sells sushi from the back of his trunk? Teenagers are the guys who sell sushi from the back of their trunks" I can't help at grin at my anology.

I'm so smart.

"So what are you going to talk to me about?" she says this with a bit of fear.

This isn't going to be scary. You try getting sex ed in school which is nothing more than a washing-up liquid bottle and a hula hoop. Yes, Gotham education, the pride of the American education system.

"Firstly all the different kinds of sex, how they work and why people do them and how to do it. Because far to many times have I heard people say 'that doesn't work, it does nothing for me' and then I prove it does. Oh and of course the emotional side of relationships and sex and this is all Oracle approved" I say sticking my thumbs up in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

No matter how many times I do this it never becomes less awkward.

"Um, okay then..." she shifted uncomfortably in her hovering green hair.

"Okay now I'm gonna start with talking about......"


Justice said...

wow I am like so glad you didnt talk to me no wonder she was weird with me when she picked me up to go shopping

with a girl a girl should be talking not a guy

Professor Xavier said...

Perhaps I should expand the curiculum at my school.