Thursday 20 March 2008

Batman tagged me ad these are the rules:

List seven random things about yourself that people may not know.Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.Post the rules on your blog.Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So I suppose it tim

1: I did not lose my virginity when I was fourteen.
Contrary to popular belief that for some reason women who know me love to believe I did not lose my virginity at fourteen, I lost my virginity at seventeen.

2: The first supervillian to nearly kill me was Two-Face.
Y'see I was forced to choose between the life of an innocent person and Batman, I was nearly beaten to death by Two-Face untill Batman got free and stopped him.

3: My favourite member of the Batfamily is Cass.
Because she's the little sister I always wanted and I always wanted a little sister even when I was in the circus. I didn't want a little brother.

4: Bruce didn't immediately adopt me.
Nope. After years of being his ward, sidekick, understudy, partner, protoge and so on, Bruce finally adopted me as his son and heir (bite that Damien!)

5: I have slept with more women than Green Arrow and Hal Jordan.
The difference between me and them is that unlike Green Arrow I don't have affairs and unlike Hal all the women I've slept with are legal.

6: I got the name Boy Wonder because...
Well, it's all relates to facts 5 and 1.

7: I did attend college.
I went to Hudson college for one semester and then dropped out after they said I should due to lack of concentration. You know it's pretty hard

I tag:

Awww, you're so adorable!
Nick Fury
Smoking is bad for your lungs.
I want to know why you're so crazy.
GIVE US RAVAGER BACK! She got us free booze!
See Raven now I know its not your fault that Alfred's been giving you MY cookies but they're MINE!
I just feel like, you know, annoying someone.
I feel like annoying someone (even more) but also the Flash keeps trying to get me to say who I find hotter Jessica Alba or Jessica Biel and I don't like either! So you're the only speedster I know that is worth taking this out on.

Oh! Inertia reminded me of something! I need to talk to Vella.


Superman said...

Poor Conner, so why the feud?

Kon-El said...

Blast You!

Enjoy the Flamebird stalking

Nightwing said...

Superman: Its not a feud,I just feel I got forgotten, I don't have a kryptonian "other" I mean Batman has you and Robin has Kon and have I been reading far to much slash fiction or something?

Kon: Thanks Kon. Thanks a lot.

Justice said...

done your tag...
Oh and thanks (blush)
glad your not like Inertia or Vincent and called me a freak